Last meeting almost ended on the highway

The last meeting we did, was the second Radikal Bugz meeting. Due to a lot of valve noise I decided to solve this and lifted the bug at his rear end and removed the wheels to have better acces. It was necessary to do this because clearance on certain valves was over 0.75mm!! Ater a full check up I mounted the wheels and was ready for the meeting the next day. So the next day we left and had a nice day. The weather was great and a lot of cars present. This time watercooled vw's were alloud and they took part in the sprints which I also did. On our way back home I heard and felt something, but before I could react it was too late.. A cloud of white smoke and a bang followed eachother very quickely. Almost losing control of my bug I steered it towards the emerency-lane. At first a thought I had a blowout but when I got out of the car, the rear-left wheel was gone and the back of the car was resting on the drum brake! The fender was ripped of and the taillight broken. No sign of my wheel so I had to cross the highway to go get it. No visual damage here so that was good news. was impossible to mount it because the bolts were lost somewhere on the highway. So the spare tyre took it's place, the fender was beeing held by plastic fasteners. so NOT chock up your wheelbolts can have a nasty result!
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