Friday, November 04, 2005

It in detail

So my bug was a white one with a yellow and blue line on the side. No bumper at front and a rusty one at the back. She looked ok from the outside.. The interior was less my kind of style with the dash totally covered with a stainless steel plate and a wooden home made radio support box in the center of the car. The carpets were supposed to be white and the seats worn...Anyway I was happy with my Bug and so I drove it like that for a few weeks. November 2000: The weather was changing quickly and the mornings a lot colder so I pulled the 2 levers and what happened... all the exhaust fumes came right into the car which wasn't a very nice experience. So after a short time I decided to start working at the heart of my bug. Because the guy from which I bought my bug wasn't the most honest one in the business and already costed me a lot of money and not knowing anybody else, the list of options became very short and so my best friend and I started building out the engine. Not having a whole lot of knowledge and tools to do such a job, I decided to look into some vw-magazines for help. I found a shop and called for some info. I realized that with all the parts that needed to be changed and doing it myself (so not being sure that the engine would run) the price wasn't that big of a difference and so I went to the bank and got the money for the first big change! While it was standing there without the engine I got rid of the carpets and wooden box. Also the stainless steel dash made room for the original kind. I took another look at my bug and decided to lower her at the front and rear and changing the drum brakes at front into discs. A few weeks later I went to pick up my bug ; lowered with discs and a brand new chromed 1600cc engine with a set of Kadron carburetors! I was sooooooo proud! Because it was my daily driver, I quickly sensed that some things weren't the way they should be. The engine didn't run smooth and losing power when warm so I went straight to the builder of my engine :BBT. There they said that the valve clearance wasn't right and so I had to pay for an engine in warranty!! I returned to the shop were they fitted the engine and seemed that the coil wasn't right and had nothing to do with the valve-clearance. 2 days later the problem was fixed. It took another 5 months before the engine runned like it was supposed to. Starting to get to know some people and other shops things started to go smoother and less expensive and finally I could enjoy my 70hp engine!