new sensation

The first time I went for a testdrive I was very anxious to see en feel the difference, but I didn't try full throttle which wasn't a bad thing because the first 1000km are crucial for the long life of the engine and so 90km-100km an hour was the ideal speed for testing the engine. After a few hundred km's I felt that it was time to take it for a real test.... Yeehaa a difference it was indeed! The upcomming bug-season I felt ready for some action and having a great time with my new toy. That season I participated on Spa... a new sensation in my o so short "bug-live". By the end of the season I sensed that the sensation was declining and I wanted more.... So the next Winter, out went the engine again and the search for new parts started. I ordered a pair of new 044 cylinderheads at Cb-Performance with 40x35.5 valves with dual valve springs. A Engle 120 cam would replace the 110-one and the Dell'Orto 36 were exchanged for a pair of Dell'Orto 40. The electronic ignition was provided by compu-fire. After putting everything back together I decided that a correct tune-up was in place , and so I dropped the engine at a motorshop where after only one week the job had been forfilled. So back at my garage I lifted the car and pushed the engine under. Another change was that the stereo was removed along with te back seat.Everything back in place and connected, the warning-light of the alternator kept burning. I checked the wiring but couldn't find anything suspicious. I called to several friends and asked a few pro's but nobody could give me an appropriate answer. After one week it was time to get my bug to a Bosch specialist so they could solve the problem, only the alternator isn't a Bosch but a Motorola. Anyway after a few days they solved the problem( the isolation between the +&- was gone and caused a short circuit.... )
The next drive was again a... new sensation!
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