Sunday, June 29, 2008

Solved and preparing

So regarding to my last subject... it has been solved! Seemed to be an ignorance by myself to check the fuel filter every now and then. Fitted a new one and the thursty lady can drink again as much as she wants. Next Friday I'll be setting course to Chimay for the second Bug-Inn. Still taking some bigger jets with me, in case I need them on the drag strip!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Still need to modify

The bug-in second edition is getting closer, like about 3 weeks and so checking everything twice isn´t a waste of time. Went to a meeting last week taking a one hour drive to get there and as I was giving full throthle, she stopt accelerating round 5000 rpm, started to lose speed and was chocking. conclusion? The engine became( after the latest modifications) very thursty and needs bigger fuelpipe to provide her with the neccesary amount of fluide she needs to quench her thurst. So went to the store and bought fuel hose with inner diameter 8mm and also bigger emulsion tubes for the carbs. hope the will do the trick. Back to modifing and testing...
All I have to do afterwards is changing the front tyres and painting the muffler.
With a bit of sun and a whole lot of bugs the second Bug-In on the 4th of July Will be an excellent weekend where I’ll take her for her first quarter mile in her Bug live.